
30 Anti-Work Memes and Tweets From People Who Really Hate Their Jobs

Like Blink 182 once said in their song "All The Small Things," "Work [stinks], I know." That statement definitely holds true in 2024, where stagnant wages haven't kept up with inflation and skyrocketing housing costs, not to mention increasingly obvious price gouging and CEO selfishness. Throw in the horrid job-seeking process, and workers are quickly growing tired of the concept of slaving their lives away with decreasing prospects of returns down the road. 

The r/antiwork subreddit is dedicated to people sharing these concerns, and venting about their own work horror stories. This gallery is a collection of memes and tweets shared on that page that accurately represent the helpless and exploited feeling so many workers are feeling these days. In a world where billionaires just keep making more, it's pretty easy to be anti-work as we currently have it. 

Take Reddit for example, whose CEO racked in almost $200 million just last year himself, while the majority of the site is run by completely voluntary and unpaid moderators. It's no wonder there was a massive moderator strike last year. If you've been feeling disgruntled with a capital D recently, take a look at these antiwork tweets and memes. 

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