
43 of the Most Insane and Influential A.I.-Generated Images of 2023

A.I. images have gotten so good that it can be hard to tell what's real and what's not these days. It's almost terrifying to see just how far the technology has come in the past 12 months, but after looking at some of these it's clear that A.I. still has a ways to go. Here are the 43 most insane and impactful A.I.-generated images from 2023.

It all started back in March when a fake photo of the Pope in a white puffer jacket went viral. Shared by celebrities and regular internet users alike, many people had a hard time discerning the photo from reality. As one of the first viral images of its kind, the Pope's white puffer jacket served as a sobering lesson in online fact-checking. 

Since then, dozens of funny A.I. themes have made the rounds, including drunk-crying Steve Harvey, seductive Kirby, Minion trials, Kermit doing all sorts of messed up things, and much more. Not to mention the imagination of fake natural disasters, alien first contacts, and public figures in compromising situations. A.I. can be gloriously unhinged, and we look forward to seeing what it produces in the future, as long as it's happy to stay out of the world supremacy market. Here are 2023's best A.I. images. 

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