
40 Fabulous Photos, Memes, and Tweets For Your Pleasure

It's the weekend, feel happy for yourself by clicking through this gallery of cool pics and fantastic funnies!

Henry Kissinger passed away last week, prompting the internet to explode with different reactions to the former secretary of state's demise. Twitter alternated between celebrating the death of a man who overthrew a democratically elected Chilean government in favor of a military dictatorship and helped prolong the Vietnam war for selfish political interests and paying respects to a man who served in government for decades. But one specific account tweeted out the most accurate and succinct commentary on the internet: "Yes."

The account is called, "Is Henry Kissinger Dead Yet?" and it has been relegated to sharing exclusively negative updates for over two years. That is until it finally got to post the information it's been waiting for this entire time. The one-word Tweet quickly racked up over five million views and appeared directly underneath real news reports for many users. It also marked yet another decisive victory for the similarly themed "Liza Minelli Outlives" account.

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